March 11, 2006

the apartment...

the interior design for the new apartment is now going into the final review and revision stage. the ownership of the apartment has already been officially handed over (got the papers and all) and i hope to have enough details of the interior design settled in the next few weeks so as to allow the actual contruction on the interior to get under way sometime in april.

it's a rather compact two bedroom apartment that we are talking about here and so there isn't too much space to play with. since space is quite limited, making effective use of it is a top priority when it comes to the layout of the apartment. the latest blueprint from the interior designer does a very good job on that and i think we'll go with it as much as possible and not make too many big changes. the main thing on the agenda now is the styling of the interior. you know, the stuff that guy thom from queer eye does on tv. i've got a rough concept in mind but am still trying to flip through some more books and magazines on interior design to get a few more ideas on things like the colour scheme, ceiling lighting, flooring, and furniture. i'm sure that the interior designer already has a pretty good vision of his own on all these things and i'll be in frequent discussion with him to come up with something that everyone is happy with.

oh, and i've been thinking if i should get a japanese high-tech toilet that warms your buttocks when you sit on it and cleans you from underneath with a water-squirting smile-inducing nozzle when you are done? hmmm...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

new apartment.....蘊含著希望 and 溫暖..
from NZ to TW,這應該是值得期待的...

不管什麼地方 有個避風遮雨,心之所繫之處.

期待看到你的新家唷.. ^^

March 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man, we should have a home party next time I come back. Don't worry, we won't bring the roof down or running around naked.....(ahhh maybe we will, hard to say after few bottles of wiskey....)

March 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

我們也買新家囉!! 嘻嘻...
前幾天和嘉文也聊到免治馬桶蓋一事, 我說那是我的夢想, 冷冷的天坐在溫暖的馬桶座上, 會讓我想到日本的滑雪場!
結果他居然回我說, 他的夢想是法拉利!!
哈~ 看來我和他還有得討論的^^

April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

我們也買新家囉!! 嘻嘻...
前幾天和嘉文也聊到免治馬桶蓋一事, 我說那是我的夢想, 冷冷的天坐在溫暖的馬桶座上, 會讓我想到日本的滑雪場!
結果他居然回我說, 他的夢想是法拉利!!
哈~ 看來我和他還有得討論的^^

April 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

居然出現了兩次, 不好意思:P

既然這樣了, 那我再加一點人氣指數囉~

April 04, 2006  

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